And what happens when you feel miserable and insignificant? When you feel that you're always the latest one for anything? What happens when someone is always trying to make your life worst than it can be? Even she is not involve on whatever you're doing she always want the worst for you.. because she want's your live to be as bad as hers when she was your age.

I'll tell you what you're guilty for.. you're guilty for being the way you are.. That's the only fact that counts for her to let you know how is hell. But the real fact, and both know, is that she's jealous of you. But the only fact that counts.. you're alive.

And everybody around is blind, they don't see, the aren't just.. they act guide by fear. And they have being guided by fear so many times that they think that's the way they act because they want it, they think that's the real way they think. And I can't fight more against this.. I'm so tired of fighting..

And I can't really blame you of going away from me.. If everybody does.. why would you be different?


  1. Hola Winding Moon, saludos y lindo dia, no entiendo mucho ingles, pero me esforce en leer algo de tu post y por el titulo me imagino que se trata de que estas cansada, ojala y se te pase pronto, por ahora solo quiero dejarte mis mas sinceras muestras de amistad y cariño
    Feliz dia!!

  2. Perdon por escribir en inglés, es a veces expreso mejor lo que siento en este idioma.

    Gracias por tu apoyo como siempre! =)


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